My Glass i: The Dorothy Chandler Pavilion

Brian Moore


Los Angeles, California. April 8, 2011. Click on my photo blog link to find out why I was there.

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Want to know a little more about the camera I used for this photo? You can read about it here:
Thanks, Darren. I remember your gas station pictures and I really liked them as well as the spiral staircase one. However, for some reason I completely missed the (non-gas station) architectural ones. They are really good! That one of the DC from across the street is not only really good but also interesting with regard to that traffic light. It's green! And yet it could have been red. Did you time your 30 second exposure purposely for the green light?
Very clever, Darren. I don't think I would have thought of that until it was too late. I need to keep that thought in mind. Well done!