my glass i: The Park Bench Cafe

Brian Moore


Huntington Beach, California.

I like how the Park Bench Cafe is illuminated in the evening so I decided to try to capture it one night. I had no tripod with me to steady the camera so I used the back of a bench--a park bench, of all things! The composition of the shot was dictated somewhat by the restrictions inherent in the use of a park bench tripod. (Not easily swiveled or adjusted for angle.)

Olympus XA
Legacy Pro 400 film
Processed in Rodinal, diluted 1:25

my glass i:

my flickr stream:
Bloody park bench makers ... dont think about us photogs do they!?
nice shot, touch straighter and some dodgy looking people loitering would make it win more for me
I find it hard to comment critically in anyway when it comes to your shots ... it just doesnt feel right ...