my glass i: The View From 14F

Brian Moore


30,000 feet above the US Southwest

Kiev 4a
Jupiter 8, 50mm lens
"Memories" brand (actually Fuji) 200 ASA film

Me blog:

Me Flickr:
Thanks, Pete. Yeah, analog camera! No battery or electronics of any sort. (Also, I still read actual books; No need to turn them off for take-off or landing.)
Whats a book?

Is that like a paper version of an iPad? ;)

Very dramatic lighting on the clouds - I like the way the top set frame the shot with the plane below.
Yes, Chris. You could say a book is a paper version of an i-pad. However, it has fewer capabilities. :)

Thanks for the comment. I had the window shade down and popped it up a little to look outside. The scene was dramatic. Then began a struggle to wrest my camera from my bag under the seat in front of me before the image passed. What you're looking at in this picture is just as the clouds above were about to recede into the past. The image was more dramatic--and beautiful--a minute or two before when I first saw it. Thanks again.
Pete - LMAO!

I tried swatting a mosquito with my iPad, and it really didn't work as well as a newspaper...
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Pete: I can't vierw the video at work. Looking forward to seeing it when I get home.

Chris: I worked LMAO out. Still trying to figure out the SWMPF (or whatever that one is you use from time to time--can't remember offhand the exact letters and their sequence.)