Brian Moore

In the left foreground stands the zoetrope at the California Museum of Photography in Riverside, California.
I took this shot on January 31, 2010, using my Canon T50 and Canon FD 28mm lens. I believe I used Kodak Gold 200 film.
The result was unexpected.
Moments before setting up and taking the shot I had been investigating the zoetrope and in doing so of course I had spun it to observe the illusory motion pictures. I thought nothing more of it once my curiosity was satisfied, and I then went on to capture an image of the room in general.
Only after I got the film developed did I see that the zoetrope had still been spinning when I actually took the picture and that, to my amazement, I had captured a series of stills from inside the zoetrope! (You can just see three of them. They are a set of the famous images by Eadweard Muybridge, "Horse in Motion.")
This was an available light shot, and I had to use a display case as a tripod. I had zero ability to sight through the viewfinder and because of this there was a portion of the image on the right that I didn't want. I generally don't crop my pictures but I cropped that part out of this one.
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