Dave Moss
Well-Known Member
Sorry to dissapoint you but the D80 should be here Tuesday but I did pick this up for £3 at the local charity shop this morning. It all seems to work how it should (Even the Lightmeter) and I am going to get a film to put through it but am likely to leave that till the summer at the moment its home will be the top of the bookcase
cosina (1 of 3) by davem44, on Flickr
cosina (2 of 3) by davem44, on Flickr
cosina (3 of 3) by davem44, on Flickr
cosina (1 of 3) by davem44, on Flickr
cosina (2 of 3) by davem44, on Flickr
cosina (3 of 3) by davem44, on Flickr