NCD - Large Format

Such fun and games - you have still to do the two exposures on the same side of the DDS. A sheet of glass over the screen for scanning is the answer there I would guess and quite a large aperture. I believe it is called te learning curve - but no less frustrating none the less.
I think the main articles about LF vanished when the blogs disappeared during the forum upgrade. This article (and a couple of others) survived though. I thought it might be useful / interesting.

Here is a new scan/inversion that I did using a different light table (and a different camera/lens as well). Clearly there is a problem with the initial exposure as well as with the developing.
4 x 5 - small.jpg
looks more on the development end
Agree that the developing was a part of the problem. Since I have never shot the lens/shutter previously, I have no idea if the aperture is opening correctly or if the shutter is fast or slow.

The chemistry was old Df96 which is a monobath. I had run a test strip of film which came out totally black so I was assuming that it was still OK.

This is a learning experience in many ways. I was using a Stearman SP-445 sheet film tank for the first time. I also needed to elevate the chemistry temperature whereas previous b&w was done at ambient (it was cold in the garage).
What is odd is the lower right where there is a strip of something which looks somewhat 'normal/better'.
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On the right is a stack of books which you would see the whole spine going back to the wall but only an inch or so of pages (the rest extending out of frame). The very bottom appears to be a "splatter". The closest edge of the book spine is a good 3" closer to the camera than the row of film cameras.
How are you agitating the film during development?
The film is in a Stearman SP-445 tank and I was doing inversions. I suspect it is a combination of things: old chemistry, damage from the squeegee, improper exposure of the film. Hoping that once I get some sunshine to cope with the slow 100 ISO film my next attempt will be an improvement.