
Gary R. Smith

Well-Known Member
I tend to post daily to Facebook and often change the "Cover Photo". Today I thought a photo of a negative would be amusing given all of the film shots I've been subjecting my FB Friends to. Once I got something I was happy with (3 different attempts with 3 different cameras - the winner being the a65 with the 50/2.8 macro) I also created a positive of the negative. Then decided that the pair would be amusing...Negative-Positive.jpg
Using an iPad as my light table is a poor way to get good lighting as you can see all of the light points. I suppose the way to avoid that would be to space the negative off the light by the thickness of another piece of glass and then dial the aperture to about 2.8 and allow the detail of the screen disappear in the distance.
Thanks Brian, it was a doodle. I shot the film 3x before I got one I could use. 3 different cameras. Then once I had the shot on the computer I realized there'd be too much texture from the iPad I used. That took a bit to get sorted out (despite being still able to see it). At least the negatives are fresh this past month anyway. I have a roll of color 120 on the way for developing and scanning plus I added a new 6 x 6 folder to the pile which arrived yesterday. Perkeo II shown on the right.3 film cameras.jpg