New: Header images etc

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
Those with eyes will have noticed we have re-built the header with a funky jquery accordion slider. (proportional credit to this man
I can easily change the images, and now as they are 600px x 230px we should be able to put a lot wider range of images in there without them looking to crap
As you may notice, I have sampled a portion of the chosen images to fit the 600x230 size ... i think this works quite nicely!
as you hover over each image (tap on the iphone/ipad) you will notice it reveals a link to the thread where the image is posted!
I hope you all agree this is somewhat of an upgrade over what we had before.

A nice little addition to all this is that if (like Ralph) you don't like to have to scroll past a header all the time we have a solution for you
go to settings (the cogs above the header)
in the left hand column you will see "general settings"
inside general settings scroll to "miscellaneous settings"
under that you will see "forum skin"
select "i dont like the header"

hey presto, header image gone!

And that my fellow Real Photographers is our forum re-hash complete!

In the not to distant future we can have a look at selecting some different images for the header, but for now, if i have to look at any more vb related code my eyes will implode, and being as i am a photographer, id appreciate it if you didn't insist I did it now :)
agreed its looking VERY smart..........!!
V. good all seems rather smart Hamish, but still no hover text, again PC with Firefox

Works for me, in all browsers ... dont know what to say to you mate ;)
there is no over text on "go" on the login and the new posts number box ... unfortunately that is seemingly impossible ... a detail ... after all this work i really cant be arsed to do anything about :)
Oooo that's all a bit flash, or not Flash in this case! ;)Fantastic idea Hamish - and it looks great.Always knew that panoramic crops were the way to go ;)
Hamish, a second look and refresh all appears to be ok now, must have just needed a kick up the arse ;)
Just a quick question - a number of images seem to be tagged as 12mm??
I like the new look, was getting tired of people at work asking me why I was looking at an ant website.
Looks great Hamish :)
I like the new look, although I'm starting to miss the ant already :)
What a nice surprise to see one of my photos in your header! I'm quite honored (even if it is just temporary). Anyway, great idea, Hamish. I really like the look. Very nice job.
Been gone in the mountains again for the past week. I was very impressed when I visited RPF this morning. I like the new header as it provides a glimpse into the interesting variety of photographic talents and personalities on this site. And thanks Hamish for using my photo in the header. The crop that expands is fun!