New Self Portrait: Emerging

Those protuberances from my neck connect to a Plasma Exchange machine, which is to a large degree purifying my blood stream around my entire body. I’ve had three such exhausting exchanges already, with two more to follow. Somehow this helps relay messages from my brain to the nerve ends, thereby ‘waking’ me up. The result is that my speech has already been restored, and I am making good progress in chewing and swallowing.

Getting those protuberances into an artery was the most painful and fraught experience of my life, and no joy for the brilliantly-professional nurse. But the effort was worth it.

Two sessions to go, then lots of physio - I’m using a Zimmer frame for walking - and more and more eating exercises - and three weeks from now I should be on my way home.

This portrait attempts to show the real me emerging from the patient garb, from my patient’s cell. I’m not out yet, but I’m on my way!
Myasthenia gravis doesn't sound like much fun but then most of what puts us into those fancy garments that tie in back isn't much fun. Have you been in hospital all this time? I had my carotid scraped out in April of 2021 but I only remember the recovery. It sounds like you're on a treatment course that's helping and your spirits seem good. Get well Rob!
Yes, I have. Eight days in the Critical Care ward, which was a horrifying experience, where I gave myself over to the brilliant team of consultants, doctors and nurses. Those guys give 110% every minute they are in there. Heroes all.
Now I’m in rehab, in a single room with beautiful views, a big window with lots of light.
Until last night I had slept at most two hours per night. Last night I had five solid hours. Wonderful!
Rob, I am tremendously sorry to read about your health condition and all the stress you are facing right now. I can imagine the fears that are going through you and the fatigue you must feel in your body.
I wish you a quick return to a more peaceful quality of life!
Good speed on the recovery Rob, the portrait is really encouraging 💪. I wonder if they knew placing you near a window as such could lift such an artistic soul as yours?

I could almost see a short series come of this, indeed, black and white of the many protuberances would be a rare self portrait...

Rest up Rob, glad to hear you are improving 👍

And Gary, having arteries scraped sounds like a serious ordeal and a new procedure to add to my lexicon of phrases I don't want a Dr to say!
Gianluca – thank you! My poor wife and daughter have also been through it, managing to visit everyday, asking the right questions of the staff when my brain wasn’t working. It has arguably been more difficult for them.

Wes – it crossed my mind to do a series of images, but I was so out of it much of the time anything creative seemed impossible. But the creative juices are slowly dripping forth, so perhaps something will come of it.
Glad to hear things are improving, Rob. Hadn't realised you were still in hospital. Indeed, I can vouch for the amazing medical folks in ITU. I had a long spell in an isolation room within the ITU down in Weston General nearly 25 years ago (sepsis). They, too, were absolutely brilliant.
I hope the next plasma sessions go ok and that you rapidly continue on the up and up. Take care.
Wow! Sorry to hear about what you have been going through, Rob. It certainly isn't my (or your!) idea of fun. Glad to hear that a return home is near. Best wishes on your continued recovery.
Thanks lads and lass. Today I had my first breath of fresh air, being allowed out for a short walk with wife Susan and daughter Rhona. My hair is usually a mess, but here it is after two weeks’ lying on a bed - and yes, Brian, I’m the one in the middle!


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The tubes hanging from my neck attach to the plasma exchange machine. I’ve had four of five planned 2-hr+ sessions, the last one tomorrow, Monday. Then three weeks of rehab to get to a point where I can eat food, and not just slurp mush. Onwards!
Thanks lads and lass. Today I had my first breath of fresh air, being allowed out for a short walk with wife Susan and daughter Rhona. My hair is usually a mess, but here it is after two weeks’ lying on a bed - and yes, Brian, I’m the one in the middle!
Perhaps there is a local groomer who can tidy up your poodle ears?