Thanks, Julian. I have my final plasma exchange in a couple of hours. Looking forward to it being over! I wouldn’t say it was painful so much as completely draining.
Thanks lads and lass. Today I had my first breath of fresh air, being allowed out for a short walk with wife Susan and daughter Rhona. My hair is usually a mess, but here it is after two weeks’ lying on a bed - and yes, Brian, I’m the one in the middle!
Rhona is now in Malta with her boyfriend, for a week of island hoping. I’m so pleased she has such an escape after what was for her a traumatic week. She stayed long enough to see that I was getting better every day, so hopefully she’ll completely forget about me and enjoy herself.
I have been away from here a while, and you are getting sick there. I am happy that the musician maestro is recovering and in good spirits. It's nice to see you smiling and your support. Take care young man and please stay away from hospitals. They are a dangerous place to be at times.
The good news is that you are well enough to go home. I as a Norseman have no clue what happened to you albeit it was serious. I am glad you are back in the swing shortly. all the best to you.
Thanks, Ivar. Put simply, my brain could not communicate with my nerve ends. Not a good position to find yourself in. The plasma treatment means that most of that contact has been restored, though it did take a week in Intensive Care.