Night Time For Foveon

Wes Hall

Well-Known Member
I've been looking to try and figure out how best to shoot with my little Sigma DP1 at night- previous attempts have been hugely hit and miss.

I decided to try a little suggestion from the manual and use flash. I'm very unfamiliar with flash and how to use it, so colour me surprised with gaining some results from last night that to me still show off my favourite image quality.

Treads and Racks Forum.jpg
Cigarettes and parking Forum.jpg
Post Red Forum.jpg
Stop and glow Forum.jpg
I honestly wouldn't have guessed these to be flash images. They have a nice color palate and I don't see any of the harsh light that I tend to associate with flash photography. Well done, Wes. (What flash set up were you using?)
Thank you Brian, Rob, kind comments and the color pallet has a richness I like.

As for flash setup, it was the built in unit, shooting on aperture priority mode. It was surprisingly powerful but didn't seem to create glare.

That film-like quality you notice Rob is one of the characteristic of the early Foveon I'm really fond of.
Thanks Dave, I'm partial to red in my images and more so with glow.

I'm going to definitely take the DP1 out some more into the night to see if these results are a consistent trend.