Nihat! River Almond and Cramond Harbour

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
I was thinking of Nihat's trips to Yosemite when I was taking these. But the rest of you are allowed a look too :D

I have to confess - I had with me the Mamiya RB67 as well as the mamiya C330S, and I can't remember which camera took which image! I must learn to take notes... I went out two days at the weekend, one camera each day. Anyway, this is what I'm looking for with film. I used FP4. Medium Format, of course. More to follow...

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I just signed in, Rob. Coming down with some sort of bug. :(

Loved the vintage feel on the first one. It's in lesser degree compared with Edinburg images, yet nostalgic and beautiful.
Really like the the way the bridge is covered with nature, branches coming down and merging with sky.
I like the sense of calm and the tranquil tones on the harbour and the boats image. :)
A good set Rob and it seems you are having a good time with the flim, out and about. The last image is the type that I can imagine Rhona looking over later in life and remarking what old sailing boats we had back then.
Now that I think about it, these are all square format, and therefore from the C330S. The RB67 is 6x7, as the name indicates.

the clue is in the name then! :D

just superb Rob, and I agree with you 100% on the joy that quality MF brings to the table.

I also think that the cameras and format change the way you compose and shoot, and it all adds to the final result

looking forward to more
Thanks, guys. I'd love to photograph that bridge scene once an hour for 24 hours, but I'm really far too lazy to do that. It's just about light enough all night long this week to do that without changing the camera settings.
Brilliant, Rob.
I think cropping the wall on the right also brought more focus to the harbour and the boats.
So peaceful. :)
Very nice Rob. Nihat is right that the first one especially has a quite vintage feel to it. The straightened and cropped shot of the harbour is superb piece of composition I think. I really like the way the implied line of the dark reflection carries you to the boats and the horizon beyond. :)