Nikon 1 V1 price drop

Sorry, I must have come across all wrong - no worries about thread crap. :) I was just reiterating the criteria I applied. The EVF swung it and I needed to make a decision as my wife will use the Nikon next weekend. The RX100 sounds like a class-leader as does the RX1. I know I can live with Sony's design standards as my other camera is an Alpha 57.
We are going down a road of worryin the other has taken offence here ... ;)
no, I wasn't meant to sound whatever way it sounded either ;)
but then I have had a beer

I'm even more confused now. Can the Sony simply go from still to video with a press of a button without thinking ?

I can't seem to find some close up images of the Sony, but then I have had a beer or two!


This shot of my (starting to look used) one should help

OK, that looks good!

More research tommorow!


Calling : Larry Bolch


Larry, are you around ? What would you do?



Larry, are you around ? What would you do?



I am about to buy the V1 for a friend. She loves taking pictures, but is really not much into photography. She is currently using my D7000, but it is a bit bulky for her. The V1 is much smaller, still capable of quality that will please her, and pretty much fully automatic. It is in no way a camera designed for enthusiasts. Controls are buried in the menus—it is supposed to be shot on automatic.

I have done no research on the Sony, but it seems much more of an enthusiast's second camera rather than the family Kodak of 2012. My feeling is that both can produce decent results, with the V1 doing it much more easily, while the Sony lets the shooter more easily take full control of the process. If you are interested in effortless image capture of family events, the V1 is probably the best choice. If you are interested in the photographic process as well as image capture, the Sony would be more satisfying.
Hi Larry

Thank you for that, very well explained.
