Nikon 20mm f2.8 D AF rattling noise?

Jim Kuo

The man in the hat
My girlfriend just bought a Nikon 20mm f2.8 D AF. We notice that the lens makes some rattling noise when shaked, it takes pictures fine otherwise.

Is this behaviour normal for this particular lens?
I don't know the lens but I wouldn't have thoughts so. I have an oldish Voigtländer RF and that rattles when you shake it! But that's because the frame counter window is floating around somewhere in the depths of the body (and occasionally jamming the shutter release). My guess is that something similarly non-essential has come adrift in your girlfriends' lens and it's only a matter of time before it gets stuck somewhere it shouldn't.

Actually thinking a bit more about this, it's not just back-play in the aperture control rod is it? And there's mention of noise due to floating element groups here

Hamish is likely to know more about this lens.
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Thanks Pete for your information.

I was searching around on the net, and apparently a few other people had noticed similar behaviour with this particular lens, eg.

I don't think it's the aperture control stuff, as the rear part of the lens feels solid. The font part of it seems "floating" a bit though, if I hold down the front element, shaking the lens will make no noise. As mentioned, the lens focuses and takes pictures fine.

From what I've read, this behaviour seems to be expected. But I am trying to assert whether it's universal for this particular model. It would be very helpful if anyone who has this lens can share his/her experience.
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Mine rattles too ... It's the floating element!
Lots of lenses have floating elements and rattle ... In fact some lenses that don't also rattle
Without wanting to state the obvious, just don't shake it ... Kit like this is very robust all things considered, but shaking it isn't really overly wise ;)
Don't worry, it's a great lens!
Thanks Hamish :-)

Good to know this is a normal "feature", so we don't need to send it back. My gf now has a 35mm equivalent lens to use on her Nikon D300s. My search for a Canon 35mm lens continues... ;-)