No Film?

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Spotted on Route 66 in AZ


X-Pro1 and 14mm Lens - PP in NIK AnalogFX

Just think, there are already generations of kids who have no idea what this billboard was advertising! :(
Yup you're right about the film...but what's a US Post Office? ;) I can hear them now...Put a what (stamp) on a what (letter) and what (mail) it? Are you kidding really did that?
I love old signs btw...nice catch.
Yup you're right about the film...but what's a US Post Office? ;) I can hear them now...Put a what (stamp) on a what (letter) and what (mail) it? Are you kidding really did that?
I love old signs btw...nice catch.
Thanks Glenn - hadn't even thought about that, but you're right
wOw lovely capture Chris, iconic ok?

I'd so love to visit USA at some stage, vast size.
Thanks Peter - well worth a visit - give yourself a lot of time though!
Really nice Chris. Yep, unfortunately progress can be a double edged sword at times.
Thanks Paul - agree, one step forward, two steps back sometimes
Thanks Chris;

We might be heading on holiday towards the end of 2014 ish to both Pasadena (LA) and Hawaii (Maui) as I've a brother who lives between both those locations (lucky him).
We would take 3 weeks off work to fit it all in, a holiday of a lifetime I think.