Nolab, digital Super 8 cartridge.

Richard Mullard

Active Member
Whilst perusing you-tube tonight for 'DIY Telecine' videos I came across one guy '(super) 8mm' who had done a very good job with his own equipment. Wanting to find out more on how he did it I went to his G+ page, still looking for how he converted his gear and captured the film, scrolling down the page there was a chap who had an idea for a 'digital' super 8 film cartridge he's calling it the 'Nolab' and it looks a very promising product, one that I would like (if the price was right) so I could use my super 8 camera again.

I still remember after shooting a roll of film or 2 and sending it off to Kodak at Hemel Hempstead, anxiously waiting for its return and then to watch something I had created.
