Non-typical rainbow shot

Jim Kuo

The man in the hat
Caught this rainbow on my way home this afternoon. The sky is unimpressively grey (isn't it annoying that rainbows only appear in sub-optimal weather conditions ;)) and the surrounding isn't that interesting. So I tried something different by turning the picture into B/W. I guess it's now a little bit unusual. Does it make the picture more interesting?

Is there anything I should try? I guess I am looking for suggestions on ways to salvage an otherwise unimpressive picture.


I thought it might be a picture of a rainbow from the side!
now that i would be impressed by ;)

What does it look like in colour?
Its a really nice compo!!
This is the original.


After cropping and straightening, I played with saturation, vibrancy and clarity, aiming to make the rainbow to stand out more. I failed.

Also, X100 usually produces very clean and smooth pictures. For some reason, this one (shot at ISO 200) turned out to be quite noisy, with visible pixelation along the rainbow...

Any suggestions are welcome. :)
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I quite like the original
Maybe try upping the exposure then a nd grad effect from the top down, in the same grad maybe try upping the saturation??
Then lower the saturation of the rest of the image a touch to make the street seem more drab
Lowering the luminance of the blue channel might also darken the sky as there seems to be some blue in there ...
See what that does ...

Have you ever seen "double rainbow" on you tube ... Must watch stuff ;)
I quite like the first one Jim, just straighten the verticals on the buildings. If you have bad pixelation open the image in Photoshop and in Image Size just up the resolution to 600 DPI, this should smooth things out a bit.
This is my attempt to emulate your instructions.


I found it really hard to bring out the colours of the rainbow in this picture...

Also, the pixelation along and below the rainbow really bothers me. I think the combination of the lighting and the colour tone happens to bring out the worst of this camera...
Oh, about straightening, this one is a bit tricky. The building on the bottom right doesn't look straight due to the perspective distortion caused by the 23mm lens. I actually made sure the building in the middle is straight. I will see if i can fix it using one of the lens corrections tools.
I like the B&W version - I've never seen a B&W rainbow before! :)