Old Nog...

Douglas McMann

Well-Known Member
Whilst at Gartmorn Dam at the beginning of the week, spotted this heron landing on a dead tree just as dusk was falling...

"Old Nog" was the name given to this bird in "Tarka the Otter" by Henry Williamson which we read at school and, for some reason, it has stuck in my head ever since...

"Twilight over meadow and water, the eve-star shining above the hill, and Old Nog the heron crying kra-a-ark! as his slow wings carried him down to the estuary."

Canon 5D with 200mmL.

Old Nog by Douglas McMann, on Flickr
Cheers Rob & Brian...


Hardly...2nd owner...built in 2005...not exactly cutting edge...
Thanks folks...beginning to get to grips with this 200mm...(it's not the Jupiter 135, but it'll suffice...:rolleyes:)