Old Premises of the Goods Station Anhalter Bahnhof, Gleisdreieck

Detlef Kuhl

Well-Known Member
The area around the station located in the center of Berlin is today used as a public park. Some of the old tracks can still be found.
I was out still discovering my old analogue stuff one early cold morning having the park for my own.

20150208_012.jpg by dql844, on Flickr
Contax RTS III with Zeiss Distagon 2.8/28, Kodak TX100, developed with Rodinal
It looks as if it may have been a maintenance area, where you could examine or work beneath the trains maybe?
I like this Detlef, for many thoughts it brings, of man and nature, reclaiming and the such, there is also a uniformity of the concrete and rails, with the trees having their own uniformity works as a juxtaposition of forms.
Thanks Julian. Yes you are correct, it looks as part of a maintenance area. There is not far away another park with one large hall left,where steam locomotives had been serviced. Even when you walked around there, it is still difficult to imagine how much traffic and life had been there. It must had been quite busy.