Olympus OM10 - A good option?

Dave Young

Well-Known Member
Its been a long time since I last shot film, but a chance conversation has whetted my appetite to supplement my digital with a little bit of film.

I was thinking maybe the Olympus OM10 as a starter, cheap as chips apparently, but wondered if it's a good starter SLR?

In truth I'd probably only marry it up to a 35mm lens so I doubt I'll be looking at anything greatly adventurous. I'm interested to know opinions as to suitability really. I may even try and get my young daughter on board with it too, and see if I can get the photography magic to rub off on her a little.
Dave I picked up an OM-2N a while back and it came with a 50/1.8 and 28/3.5. It also came with a longer lens but I don't shoot with telephoto lenses so I can't even remember what it is right now. Nevertheless, I grew to love that OM very quickly indeed. Granted, the OM-10 is a different camera but I imagine when paired with good Oly glass you'll get some very nice images.

Of the lenses I got with the OM-2N I have shot 99.9% of the images I have taken using the 50. The bokeh is lovely.
Good decision, I love those OM cameras much more over the larger old Canons I have. My daughter certainly loved them from a young age, prior to her teens and is the camera that got her at the point today, which is to use and prefer film over anything digital.
The OM10 is a fine camera - it'll almost certainly come with the 50mm lens. try to get one with the manual adapter on.
The OM10 is essentially an aperture priority camera. The manual adapter lets you set shutter speed manually as well as aperture.
Thanks guys, well in the end I won on the bay of evil an OM20, which I believe to be a slightly more user friendly option to the OM10, and at just £15.00 quid, I don't think it's going to owe me much. If nothing else it can sit on my bookshelf and look pretty. :D

Turned up today, and jeez you forget just how tactile a film camera is don't you? A quick wipe over with a wet wipe or two and it looks great, it's got a couple of dings on it, and the aluminium has a couple of scrapes, but simply battle scars I believe.

It all looks to be working fine, so other than the sensor looking a bit dirty hopefully it's a winner! I'm going to buy a couple of Poundland films to run through it and see how they look before tackling the sensor.

I can feel a new love affair coming on though :D

Olympus OM20
Also - the dust etc you're seeing through the viewfinder could just as easily be on the focusing screen rather than the mirror.