Olympus super tele

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
Hi Guys and Girls. I'm looking to invest in a new super-tele lens. I have an Olympus E-600 with the standard zuiko 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6. I was wondering if anyone has ever used an Olympus 70-300mm f/4.0-5.6 super tele?? the thing is... I'm absolutley happy with my set up and kit. but, as you can imagine, there is only so much you can acheive with the standard. I'm open to all opinions/experiences/personal recommendations on this tele zoom, just not open to the idea of someone telling me to purchase another camera. :p I'm Olympus through n through. as I stated, my kit does me well. thank you all.
I don't know how much these things cost, but being as 70-300 on your camera gives a 140-600 equiv
If you got a 70-200 2.8 you will still have 400 on the long end, but get a level image quality more standard to the higher spec lenses ... Just an idea, like I said I do t know about costs of Olympus kit, or any idea of the ranges, buy this strikes me as the only real alternative other than That would be a third party lens ..