Potentially Disturbing Content Omaha, Bloody Omaha

"A symbol of the folly of all wars, past, present and future" is obviously insulting to all those allied soldiers who fought in WWII. You can all sit around and have your little circle jerk, but you can have it without me.

Amazing how you are so blinded by your misplaced anger you can't even resolve how you are wrong even when it is explained to you multiple times. Folly applies to several things, some represented well by these pictures. The fact that humans have to go to war (as you put it, for over 6000 years) is the folly. The failing of humanity to the point where it is dissolved to people killing each other is the folly. The graves, the distressed soldier - are all representative of the "folly" of mankind and it's inability to evolve to a point where violence isn't necessary. This self-reflection isn't an insult. My ears may be permanently damaged from the SAW I carried/used in a few parts of the world - yet your ignorance is somehow louder than even my tinnitus. Maybe you need a "jerk" to gain some clarity?
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