On The Beech

Another from Sunday. Despite the wonderful colours of the fallen leaves, I always intended this to be a B&W image.


Leica M9 + Zeiss Planar 50mm f1:2.0. ISO160, 1/500 at f1:5.6. PP in LR / Nik SilverFX Pro 2.
I can see why. The colours would have distracted from the form of the shadow. Very nice. The oof foreground helps push the eye towards the branches.
Thanks Rob. I originally intended to crop the foreground to remove my shadow and so set the focus point further in. A smaller aperture would probably have been wise but I needed quite a high shutter speed as it was very windy and the tree was moving as were the leaves. As you say though, the OOF foreground does shift the eye deeper into the image.
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I thought that looked like you in the lower foreground, Pete! ;)

There's a spooky element to this image which I find very appealing.