Just for Show One for Brian & Rob...

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
As I know you gentlemen appreciate a decent pint! :D


This is a pint of Brut IPA from Stone Church Brewery - Temecula CA
Very refreshing on a hot Saturday evening - taken just as the sun was setting

Fuji GFX50R and 45mm lens f/4
Hmm...what makes you think I drink alcohol? I gave up on the day our daughter was born, over 22 years ago. Haven't touched a drop since. Nice photo, though :-)
I'll have yours then!

They have a brewery in the little town 10 miles north of me called Granger. It's quite good except for the ear drum busting country and western music. They make this pizza called the "Grumpy German." It's sour kraut and sausage. Sounds terrible but tastes great!
Hmm...what makes you think I drink alcohol? I gave up on the day our daughter was born, over 22 years ago. Haven't touched a drop since. Nice photo, though :)
Ah, could have sworn you'd posted a pic of beer bottles at some point Rob - apologies
They have a brewery in the little town 10 miles north of me called Granger. It's quite good except for the ear drum busting country and western music. They make this pizza called the "Grumpy German." It's sour kraut and sausage. Sounds terrible but tastes great!
To be fair that pizza sounds very suspect! :D
What a beautiful portrait. Best I've seen from you yet. Keep up the good work!

I have to say that with all the micro breweries popping up all over the place and so many of them making beautiful beer, this country just keeps getting better and better don't it, Chris? :)
What a beautiful portrait. Best I've seen from you yet. Keep up the good work!

I have to say that with all the micro breweries popping up all over the place and so many of them making beautiful beer, this country just keeps getting better and better don't it, Chris? :)
I agree 100%

Since we moved here and started campaigning for real beer, things have definitely picked up! :D
I've also photographed Edinburgh Castle, but I don't live there, Chris :rolleyes::D
Whaaaaaaat! I though all Scots lived there, and had hot oats for brekkie :D
Great composition and beautiful colours. The warm glow of a cold beer against the cool blues of a warm day - works so well.
Thank you Dave - indeed, another play on the teal/magenta split - well spotted