It's no secret, I'm happy to share...
The Raw file is given basic processing, getting the colour right and basic sharpening and noise removal, then converted and the first thing I do ( pay attention here Darren) is adjusting distortion and straightness. Depending on what I plan to do with the shot I make one copy, this I apply Topaz Adjust to just to bring out any details in the shadows. Make a copy of this layer and put it through BBP. I adjust the opacity of this layer so it's not such a big impact, just giving it a little punch. You maybe don't need to do this, but it works for me.
Next I make three layers, curves, gradient map and vibrance. turn off the gradient and vibrance and work on the curves. The curves layer I adjust the red, green and blue channels in a S curve. The red and green channels set to the same S shape with the blue channel going the opposite way. You need to play about with this till you get it looking right. Next the gradient map turn this on and set the blending mode to overlay, adjust both layers for opacity to suit. The vibrance layer, adjust this to suit too.
I then make a copy of the TA/BBP layer and dodge and burn where required and add vignette if required. That's about it really, I'm sure theres a action out there that does it quicker, but I like the fact that I do it myself.