Open University Course - Week 4

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
A good hands-on week, with practical videos on the use of the Dodge and Burn tools, the Clone and Healing tools, Removing Vertical Perspective Distortion, and Straightening a Tilted Image, all of which I can do :o

Here are the Learning outcomes for this week:

1 How lenses help gather and focus light
2 What do we mean by focus?
3 Field of view and magnification
4 Effective focal length and camera shake
4.1 Effective focal length
4.2 Camera shake
5 Optical and digital zoom
6 Focal length and perspective
7 Controlling depth of field
8 Rescuing a poorly focused image
9 Putting it all together – some tips for better images

Uploaded a few images showing DoF, including:

spikesbw by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Enjoying the course. More people are commenting on each other's images, and showing off their newly-learned technical knowledge along the way.
Love that image - course sounds like it's providing excellent input and stimulation