Critique Welcomed Out and about with my X100

Mike Webb

Well-Known Member
Newbie alert - some shots from my X100 which I have had for a couple of months and it's a lovely piece of kit.

This was the first serious shot I took

Oh yes I like those!

Hate you though - scrimping and saving here for an X100 lol.

Welcome :)
Thanks for the welcome guys. Having had a look around I think and hope I will feel at home here.

The X100 is worth saving for. I got mine as a refurb from Fuji. Seemed as new to me.

Hi Mike!
Welcome to the forum! Some great shots!
someones been mooching around the new dev in Lowesmoor ;)
I love the timing of the lift shot ... Really clever that I think!
So how did you find this place?
@Paul - I don't know any of the Worcester guys as far as I know. I am aware of one guy from the Pentax Forum but I don't know who he is in 'real life'.

@Hamish - The ASDA development is quite attractive and for now clean which helps :)

I'm not sure how I stumbled over RPF, probably a google on the X100 or just critique sites in general. I am active in PhotoSIG but sadly it's gone downhill badly in the past couple of years, well with exceptions I feel it has.

I should 'fess up that it was pure luck the doors opened when they did on the lift. I had a better shot with a lady in orange walking past but it suffered camera shake. I can't recall the exact settings but I think it was around 1/60th, f4 ISO 1250 and the X100 just delivers.

Welcome Mike - 3 cracking shots - and very nicely post processed as well

Love the effect of the louvered siding in #1, it's like an interference pattern

Color in #2 I really like - the contrast between the subject and background lighting temp

#3 - Timing yes, but also the almost sprayed-on consistency of the green walls and silver lift doors
You may be supprised to hear that this forum is actualy based in Worcester then ... Well, as much as a forum can be based somewhere :)
I am surprised to hear that - from the Worcester Photographic Society? I'll see if I can find names I recognise. There were two guys who do panels of very good shots from events or on themes I saw at an RPS event in Smethwick but I can't recall their names now. Very good stuff ndd they were kind enough to share details of their techniques with me. I actually live out Great Witley way and am a member of the Kidderminster Club.
Welcome Mike.
Good to see another yocal on board.
Great set of shots there and we'll done for saving up for the X100!
Yeah, as Paul said, about the miscreant who keeps falling on his head, I've yet to meet him.
I've heard these bumps to his head has a dramatic impact to the content and subjects of his photography..... And DAM it's wierd!! :p
I am surprised to hear that - from the Worcester Photographic Society? I'll see if I can find names I recognise. There were two guys who do panels of very good shots from events or on themes I saw at an RPS event in Smethwick but I can't recall their names now. Very good stuff ndd they were kind enough to share details of their techniques with me. I actually live out Great Witley way and am a member of the Kidderminster Club.

Nope, I just happen to live in Worcester and thought the world needed a more friendly photography forum :)
I have thought about going to the worcester camera club a few times, but not got round to it ...

Great Witley eh, its nice out that way! stuck in the city my self :/
Hi Mike, another Wuzza heh? even GW classes as such round here, Nice shots of the new build, haven't been there yet enjoy the forum but beware there are bad people out there.............:D:D not really.............well almost not really.........;)