Out On The Tops

Nice comp., Nick, and beautiful tones. Good for your health, landscape photography!
Very good, its nice to blow the cobwebs off, the scene is about half a mile away from the popular stepping stones which get hammered daily, the only difference is you have do a bit of hard walking to get up the valley
its nice that not alot of folk do.
And well worth the effort Nick.

................now I wonder......... @Dan Cattermole, mmmmnnn.......nah don't worry Derbyshire you're a little too far for a Monday night foray.....
Wow - a scene that could easily turn out very pedestrian but for the wonderful light here. Great eye for the light, Nick (as well as the processing). Great shot!
Wow - a scene that could easily turn out very pedestrian but for the wonderful light here. Great eye for the light, Nick (as well as the processing). Great shot!
Thanks Keith
Your right without the right light you have nothing, I'm getting quite good at judging when and where to be, well most times.