Overgrown & Roofless

Douglas McMann

Well-Known Member
St Mary's Kirk, Auchindoir, Aberdeenshire.

The "less than 135mm" trial goes on...

I have always promised myself a visit this kirkyard early morning, to avoid the incredible contrast created by the sun at the other end of the day and the tall trees that surround the church.

Haven't managed it yet, but this evening I thought I'd give it a bash as it was a bit overcast...and then the sun came out...:-(

Overgrown and Roofless by Douglas McMann, on Flickr
I like it and its glow in green. I also like the word kirk which stems from when the Norwegians roamed the country and left you with very little except some words here and there :rolleyes: A very good image Douglas. Have I missed something, what is less than a 135mm all about?
Thanks Guys...

Ivar...up until recently I have had a 135mm lens superglued to my camera like a comfort blanket...this is me starting to get a bit adventurous...:eek: