Critique Required Pamphlets

Paul Lange

If I lived there I think I would not be happy about people sticking pamphlets and notices by the door. In saying that though I did like the texture the successive sticking and weathering of the papers made. This was taken at about 4AM while waiting for a taxi to take me to the airport. My phone for some reason adjusted itself overnight to the wrong time zone and woke me up an hour earlier. I didn't notice until I got to the hotel lobby and ended up with some time to kill. Really interesting to walk around a foreign city in the early hours. You see it in a completely different way.

Flat Door.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr
Very good that is Paul.
It's very 'Pete' like this capture is isn't it.
Very well exicuted. :)
Cheers Dan. It wouldn't have looked very well executed at the time if you saw me half asleep fumbling with my bendypog thingy.

Here's another edit with Pete's suggested crop and the blur added in PS rather than with the Clarity slider in LR. Also bought back some detail with some selective highpass sharpening.

Pamphlets.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr