Paper Door

Tom Dunne

Well-Known Member
After seeing the upstairs room in the recent Tom Woods TV programme, it reminded me of some of the decrepid and empty places I had stumbled upon in the past. This one was taken in some abandoned Russian military huts on an island off the coast of Estonia. An odd sight to say the least and I recorded it on a little automatic Lumix compact. The image from the camera was surprisingly good so I only had to do a bit of snagging afterwards.


  • paperdoor.jpg
    300.4 KB · Views: 20
Excellent find and shot Tom. Love these types of pics...makes you wonder what went on. They wallpapered right over the door...interesting.
Thanks everyone. I love these type of images too Glenn. . I always feel, when I step inside these abandoned buildings, that the former residents/workers left five minutes before I entered.
Rob, as requested, here are a few more.


  • centralheating.jpg
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  • onenightonly.jpg
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  • openwindows.jpg
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Scary, in that they remind me of my student days! Nothing a lick of paint wouldn't fix :)

Seriously, though, I like all the framing you have done, and the toning is just perfect. Good stuff, Tom.
Wonderful stuff Tom. This reminds me of a number of places we looked at to buy in Potsdam. One in particular had belongings and debris spread all down the staircase. It looked like someone had attached a lareg vacuum cleaner to the main door and that is where it all came to rest. It was juts impossible to work out how it came to be like that.
LOL, a good lick of paint to be sure Rob. Thanks for the supportive comment on the images too.
Peter; my muscles are still aching after bursting into stitches with your description of the door and vacuum. Maybe you could have negotiated a sizeable discount? Glad that you liked the images.