Critique Welcomed Petco Park Pano

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Whilst the rels were here from Blighty - we took them to an evening baseball game in San Diego, at Petco Park

It's an amazing stadium, built into down-town - they actually moved the Western Metal Supply Co. building to be part of the stadium!

Here's a pano with downtown as the backdrop, about 30 mins after sunset.


X-Pro1 and 14mm Lens - vertical format in-camera pano shot - Velvia JPEG
Go who again? [ner]
Oh, the Dodgies - winning is sooooo over rated Brian
Nice work Chris. Really like the colors of the park against the sky. Unlike our beloved really can get too far away to actually see the game well.
Is this a bit like Cricket then? With more adverts and hotdogs?

Interesting Chris. The ghosts of the lights are quite intriguing.

Exactly Pete - and it's much much louder!

I think the ghosting is partially due to the way the camera builds the pano from multiple frames

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really nice chris. nice job in the low light.

Thanks Beth - perfect time of day though - I love that few minutes when the fading twilight matches the artificial illumination

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Nice work Chris. Really like the colors of the park against the sky. Unlike our beloved really can get too far away to actually see the game well.

Thanks Glenn - the cheap seats are in fact in the next county! :D
i want to stand up and applaud but i'm too lazy... rest assured I want to though..... brilliant !!