Phone Box in the Spring

I really like that shot Hamish........... Brings out that "spring feeling" ........... even if it's grey, miserable and about to chuck-it down here where I am..........

for me that picture goes beyond genius, it has everything that would keep me happy
very nice Hamish, so many framing points, the tree, the telegraph pole and the arch it self nice:), I just wish that bunch of blossom that just comes in front of the phone box wasn't there though...

where is it?
Hamish can I use this picture as the background on my phone ?
I quite like it there Kev, I moved to position it there and everything :/

Of course Davie ... I'd take it as quite a compliment!
Thought You might have TBH.;) ........and that's where I thought it was but couldn't put my finger on it..
WOW that pwetty H .........!!

Nice framing with the tree, dont think it would have been as good without the blossom. Well spotted

As for the lens, seem to produce nice shot to my eye.

Thanks Darren!

It's very sharp ... Very sharp indeed ...
I'm going to attempt a lens review at some point this week I think but my thoughts on it so far are pretty damn positive
Very cool Hamish - could be a brochure shot for BT

Very British! :)
I nearly called it "an English spring" ... But that's a bit clever for my liking ...
Phonebox in spring was going quite far for me ... My normal convention would have called it "phonebox and blossom"

Cheers Chris :)