Rob MacKillop
Edinburgh Correspondent
In anticipation of getting a Zero pinhole camera at the end of July, I downloaded an app called Pinhole Assist. Here is a screen shot from the iPad.

There are no instructions, so I'm trying to figure out what to do.
The big button on the lower right, I have set to f/138, which the app tells me is the figure for the Zero 2000 camera (that was helpful).
The big button lower left would be the film speed. And the box between the two big buttons tells me to expose for 40 seconds.
But what is all the stuff in the top box for? Three of the columns slide up and down, but the last column is fixed. They correspond to aperture, shutter speed and film speed, and moving them changes the value of time exposure in the box between the big buttons. I don't know what the last, fixed, column is for. I also don't know why any of them are required if I have set the values in the big buttons beforehand.
Confused, as ever!

There are no instructions, so I'm trying to figure out what to do.
The big button on the lower right, I have set to f/138, which the app tells me is the figure for the Zero 2000 camera (that was helpful).
The big button lower left would be the film speed. And the box between the two big buttons tells me to expose for 40 seconds.
But what is all the stuff in the top box for? Three of the columns slide up and down, but the last column is fixed. They correspond to aperture, shutter speed and film speed, and moving them changes the value of time exposure in the box between the big buttons. I don't know what the last, fixed, column is for. I also don't know why any of them are required if I have set the values in the big buttons beforehand.
Confused, as ever!