Playing with water.

Glen Roberts

Well-Known Member
While I was bored at the weekend (after the Rusty Sockets) I had a go at some dripping water shots. The last time I tried it was a couple of years ago with my old Fuji S5600, so I thought it's time I tried with my Canon 450D and Tammy 90 Macro lens.

I started with a clear wine glass to drop the water into.


Then I quickly changed that to a larger coloured glass to get some colour in the water.


I like the way the droplet has what looks a bit like an upside down sunset in it.

I really wanted the "Crown splash" but I struggled to get the timing right. The closest I got was this one unfortunately I found if quite difficult to get the depth of field right so didn't get it all in focus:mad::o.

Wow!! Fantastic!!
I tried this myself a while ago, but a standard lens does not do it any justice! Lol
The 2nd one has got to be my fav! :)
Good call on the coloured glass - really adds a nice look to the shots

That splash is great - so much action in such a small space
These look did you manage the timing?
Was it just good reactions and bit of luck or something more technical? did you manage the timing?
Was it just good reactions and bit of luck or something more technical?
A bit of both really... I had a wired remote in my hand and I watched the wet cloth above the glass, then just as the drop separated from the cloth I hit the shutter and hoped for the best. Sometimes I was a bit early and got nothing and others I was a bit late and just got ripples. Thankfully some of them had some interesting results :).