Looks like there is an alien in your midst.The lads at the table do look conspiratorial, and the guy on the right edge has already been marked with an X. Intriguing!
Thanks, Rob. Good observations! I didn't mind the alien as long as he didn't interfere with my purpose there. Live and let live that's what I say.
What an atmospheric shot Brian. Super.
Looks like ET in the background or did you have your beer goggle lens fitted?
Beer? Did someone mention.......
Thanks, Pat. Much appreciated. "Beer goggle lens"? What a great idea! (Why does it always have to come back to beer on this forum...?

I wonder Brian, how do you know that they have excellent food since you just downed beers?

Atmospheric I agree to though.
You're a cheeky bugger sometimes Ivar, but it's what makes you so charming.

And besides, what I said was they had "food that
looked simple and hearty", so there!

However, thank you for the comments, Ivar.
Fabulous shot Brian. The conspirators really are the focus of attention here and I love the way you have caught the man on the right and the young lady on the felt also appearing to look towards them. The other alien in the scene is certainly a bonus though - Czech beer appears to have affected you perception fields!
Thanks, Pete. Much appreciated. I can confirm that depth perception was once or twice slightly modified.
Or is it just that the camera never lies?!
That too. Just ask Errol Morris.
Always remember that beer IS FOOD!
Great shot of an intriguing place.
What an intelligent and appropriate comment! Thank you, Glenn. I knew I could rely upon you for common sense and support.
Excellent Brian, but sorry that excuse to access food and the only sustenance is beer does not wash, especially the locals having allergies to plastic

. Otherwise superb going on's colours and tones achieved in stealth mode.
Julian,...did you happen to notice Glenn's comment?

Thank you, Julian. Much appreciated.