Julian de'Courcy
Well-Known Member
Plymouth Sound and Drakes Island. I arrived at Plymouth Sound and with the amount of mist and the imminent sun rise I was wishing I had thrown the 5D in the car boot. Not to be, I did what I could which was very rushed and did not expose that well. Actually to tired at the time to care. Just wish I had taken a wee bit more care.
P9080015 by JuliandeCourcy, on Flickr
P9080025 by JuliandeCourcy, on Flickr
P9080078 by JuliandeCourcy, on Flickr
P9080053 by JuliandeCourcy, on Flickr
P9080015 by JuliandeCourcy, on Flickr
P9080025 by JuliandeCourcy, on Flickr
P9080078 by JuliandeCourcy, on Flickr
P9080053 by JuliandeCourcy, on Flickr