Poinsettia Fire - Carlsbad

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Not my pic, but one SWMBO took on Wed from our deck, of the Poinsettia Fire - burning just down the road from our house!


Luckily it was down-wind from us, so although swmbo had to evacuate, our house was ok.

They did loose about 20 buildings in Carlsbad during the day/night - 40 acres burned - But fire crews saved thousands of homes and businesses - amazing.
Didnae know you were in Carlsbad, Chris. Looks like an IPA or two would be appropriate! ;)

Seriously, glad all's well for you.
Didnae know you were in Carlsbad, Chris. Looks like an IPA or two would be appropriate! ;)

Seriously, glad all's well for you.
I think a case of IPA is required Brian - and I happen to have some Bass IPA in my garage! :D

Certainly a very unnerving week - and still lots going on with the fires - but the weather is starting to cooperate at last
Back home, house is fine, ash everywhere outside and a thick smog this morning where the smoke and coastal fog have combined.

My only damage appears to be the right hand pair of mono block Cyrus Audio amps on my stereo - which both appear to have developed a triangle wave output to speaker following power surges caused by the fires. :(

So small potatoes compared to loosing your house, but annoying.
But probably easily fixed. Should be some good sunset / sunrise shots sowing up then!
I have a request in to the US distributor for a repair shop - also a post on the Cyrus forum to see if anyone has an indie shop in the US that could do the work

Sending them back to Peterborough would probably be crazy expensive!

Good point on the smoke filtered lighting - I'll get my tripod out, put on a respirator, and head for something scenic! :D