
Wonderful bands of colours. Although I like the symmetry very much, I wonder if by losing some from the LH side you could balance the duct in the wall of the pool. What do you think?
Interesting suggestion Pete. I went for centering the red door, for good or for bad.
When you say balancing the duct; do you mean in knocking the door off center or simply in relation to other parts or all of the image.
I took some off the left side; is it how you envisaged it. Maybe a little too much?
Any more I feel I might be squaring the image a little too much. I actually like it to be honest.
Interested to hear other opinions too:)

I'd probably have been far more brutal.

Excellent Tom , going with the flow here maybe the way. I do like the crop Pete has seen , in fact very impressed. I suspect there are many options as often there is . All good.