Poop Bins

I agree with Tom, I too like the colour version but the person in the second shot is a nice bonus. The scale of the shot is very nice.

Thanks Pete , Merllin's are quite slow so switching on (as I walk with it switch off) I just managed to get the figure before they returned into the bunker . No idea what they were up too :rolleyes:
As always or very often, I am the odd one out here. I go for the human elements, ( what do you expect from me?), and choose the second one. But, that does not mean I do not like the others. I like the whole set. Very nicely put together Julian:)
Just goes to show 'where there's muck, there's brass' as my granddad used to say...

Don't go all square on us - we'll never here the end of it from you know who! :D