Porst Relex C-TL 1.4

David Mitchell

Well-Known Member
Porst Reflex C-TL 1.4

Hi all,

It was my birthday last week and my girlfriend bought my another camera, this one is an SLR, its a Porst Reflex C-TL 1.4, its a German company but quite a few were made in japan (like this one) and it seems to be all original.

Here is some or the original specs on it:


There was a 1.7, but this is the 1.4, its an M42 mount and works with my M42 to Nikon adaptor to infinity :D

Here are some photos of the camera, its pretty much a generic SLR but it weighs quite a bit! Its fully mechanical and you can tell that this is built to last.


Top view, shutter goes up to 1/1000


Flash sync ports on the side, you can also see the DoF slider on the side next to the lens and the manual or auto settings on the lens. If set to manual it moves the blades when you change the aperture, on auto it doesn't and only fires when you press the shutter.


Lens, 55mm, and its 55mm wide


Lens settings :D 1.4 :D


I just had a go at shooting with the lens at F1.4 to show the DoF it gives, this is on my Nikon so its not a 55m lens, more like a 70mm.

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Agreed ...
looks like a fuji, but a quick bit of googling finds its actually a cosina (explains the lens - should have thought of that first :))
Porst rebadged other brand cameras - I guess you will have found that out your self by now?
Maybe all of this info??
looks very nice, condition is especially good eh?!
Yeah its a Cosina Hi-Lite either HDL or 405 (if its the super model) I had a read around but I can't seem to find a downloadable manual to find out what battery it takes, im guessing its a mercury replacement sort. I did try some button batteries but they didn't fit lol will have a look around.

Its nice that the M42 lens fits the Nikon body and I don't need to use the infinity corrected adaptor, the issue I had with my Helios 44 was the rear part of the lens projects a long way past the fitment meaning I had issues with infinity correct and indeed fitting the lens fully into the body.

The lens it quite heavy lol its properly made with metal casing and about a ton of glass, really smooth focus, its not a short throw focus though, it goes on forever lol looking at the focus setting it might also have markings for IR, need to find some details on the lens, but its nice to add to my collection!
Thanks guys, blonde moment for not checking the alternative Corsina name lol

Hmm nothings working so far, will keep trying different sorts.
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Looks like its just came out of the box!! :)

Indeed :D there is a slightly bit of dust on the top and a few very light scratches on the base but its mint everywhere else, just need to get the light meter working!
I have tried a selection of button batteries, none seem to work :(