Critique Welcomed Port Canaveral (unusual) Architecture

Keith Hollister

Well-Known Member
They recently built a new admin building for Port Canaveral nearby (large cruise ship terminus) that is rather unusual to say the least. I'm going back in the evening next week to get it at blue hour - there is some spectacular lighting.

Unusual indeed Keith but an interesting structure and you have done it justice and handled the light on it's surface really well. I do think the sky is a little top heavy but that's down to personal preference anyway..
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Thanks, Tom. I used a red filter in SEP doing the B&W conversion to get the usual dramatic sky. When I get some time I'll play with the conversion again and see if I like anything else better. In a perfect world, I would have preferred a sky with fewer clouds that I could have driven to black for contrast with the white building, but you take what you get sometimes. I don't live that far from there, so I'll make a few more passes at it in the future.
Wow - very sci-fi Keith - building and treatment - stunning
Thanks Beth & Chris. Here is the flip side of it ...

Yeah - I'm going back one evening or early morning for blue hour with the lighting. Just need clear skies.
Thanks Rob & Nick. I hadn't occurred to me that the building was designed to evoke a sail until Rob's comment. It does look like a spinnaker and it makes perfect sense given the location is a port.
Thanks, guys. I think Mother Nature gets the credit for the light, I just figured out how to capture it :)
Thanks, Julian