Critique Welcomed Power, Corruption & Lies

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Continuing my mini project, photographing the local 'landmark' - Encina Power Station


Odd one out


We thought, because we had power, we had wisdom
Stephen Vincent Benet (1898 - 1943), Litany for Dictatorships, 1935




Electric Fences

All shots X-Pro1 and 18mm - PP in NIK Silver FX Pro
Great set Chris. 1 and 2 are wonderful shots. I especially like 2. Its such a magnificent block of whatever it's made of. Its surreal looking.
Thanks Brian - #2 was the shot I visualized before heading out to shoot - however the little car was a bonus from lady luck
And it mirrors the shape of the building. Well done. (I'd be tempted--well,...maybe not me--but some people would be tempted to remove the first car from the shot. It is a tiny distraction and its disappearance might add much to the finished image.)
I think they are all superb Chris. That first one with the detail of the trees against that wonderful sky and of course, the odd one out. Very well spotted. The little car in the second is perfect for scale. I love the third for those subtle rays of sun and then that detailed water just keeps going down and down, until you get to the surprise at the bottom. Well... it surprised me anyway :)
Love them all, Chris, the tones especially. Also like the titles - my brain freezes when it comes to thinking of titles. Good work. How about a PDF or such like, with text, poetry, etc, and all your wonderful photos?