Pram and Leaves (autumn/fall theme)

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
Ive been trying to think a little "out side the box" if you excuse the cliche with this theme...
This is what i have come up with so far...
Shot with the iphone 4s
PP in lightroom

That's alot of leaves!!
Good shot hamski .... The colours are becoming vibrant now around the parks aren't they?
Maybe I should pull my finger out and contribute towards this autumn theme. Lol
I really like that Hamish. Nice tone and PP and just the right amount of movement. At first I thought that pram was doing a wheelie, then I realised it was just missing one! (there's going to be a whole generation of schoolboys deprived of the pleasure of making go-carts with all these fancy prams on the market - mid, I can't remember the last time I saw one - I suspect their day has long gone).
hahaha!!! Mint! one of my all time fav cars is a robin reliant! of course that is the most common 3 wheel cars that anyone can think of............ However.... think of it as a film cam... is it forgiving??????? :)
Is the pram going backward?;)

Nice shot, Hamish. I like the composition and I like the sharpness of the foreground leaves.