Preussen Kaputt

Beautiful spring weather today. And what better way to celebrate it than...


Leica M9 + 35m Summilux M f1:1.4. 1/25s at f1:8.0. PP in LR, PS and Nik SilverFX.
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Looks like a barrel of laughs that one! ;)

Is that a bus stop billboard or something Pete? I like how you've framed it wi' the hoose behind it; makes the hoose a bit eery.
What does it mean?
I was reading on a forum the other day people taking the mick out of people on rangefinder forum
They were saying about how everyone on there thinks they can shoot at less than 1/60th and get sharp photos often down to 1/15th ...
I find some of the attitudes on RFF a bit silly ... Namely the "you should only frame with that camera" one that seemed to prevail there when I was a member a few years back ... But if there is one thing they are right about it is that using a RF camera shooting sharp photos at less than 1/60th is not only doable but actually with the right technique fairly easy ...
As I think is proven here :)
How does the sign celebrate nice spring weather?

Interesting capture but a little scary to me!
Thanks all. The poster says, "The End of Prussia" and celebrates the 65th anniversary of the 'destruction' of the former Prussia/Germany at the end of WWII with a music night featuring a number of Death Metal and Punk bands! It sort of counters the anniversary 'celebration' of Frederick the Great (hence the skeletal character on the horse).

The posters are scattered all around Potsdam at the moment and this is one of a pair on a telecoms junction box. The house in the background is the Heidehaus in Babelsberg opposite our apartment (Heidehaus). It has stood empty on a piece of land beside a large, and unrenovated apartment complex on the corner of Pestalozzistr and Grossberenstr since the end of WWII. It is an historic building with a number of tales associated with it from the war years but probably remains empty as the ownership is unclear.

It is certainly true that you can shoot with ease at 1/15 with a rangefinder and get perfectly sharp images - I often do - and even 1/8 gives a high degree of success. In this instance the shutter speed is actually mis-typed and was 1/250 at ISO 160 - sorry Hamish. But I have posted many examples here shot at very low shutter speeds.
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It did strike me that it looked a little daylight for such settings ...

The buildings ownership is unclear... How does that come about?
Yes, sorry about that. The M9 only has 'traditional' speeds so 1/25 just doesn't exit - and the aperture setting reported in the EXIF data are just made up - it recorded f1:9.5 but I know it was f1:8.0 as that is what I set!!

Probably via a concentration camp and loss of records. Maybe it was obtained by the state in the times of the DDR but the original owner cannot be traced. This happened a lot and following re-unification many buildings were reclaimed by their original owners. We have friends living just east of Berlin who were allocated a house in the DDR. But in 1991 the legitimate owners turned up and they had to move out. Others have been able to stay. It can make buying property a bit of a minefield (even apart from the mines!).
F/9.5 how odd ... Any idea what makes it do that then?
It's has aperture priority though doesn't it ... Does it not give you non standard speeds when it's set to that?
Loving the detail in the poster and the PP Pete :)
F/9.5 how odd ... Any idea what makes it do that then?
It's has aperture priority though doesn't it ... Does it not give you non standard speeds when it's set to that?

No idea, it is 6-bit coded lens so it should report correctly I guess. Actually, I have no idea what AP does - I think I've only used it once!! I'll have a play and maybe check to make sure the lens recognition is set right. I always shoot raw and in manual mode so I never take much notice.

Thanks Chris.
It's funny how different we all shot isn't it ...
I kept a voigtlander over a Leica so I would still have AP in a RF ... You have it on a leica yet don't even use it
There are settings other than aperture priority??? :D