Wes Hall
Well-Known Member
My family took a shine to bird watching over the last couple of years, and we are fortunate to have some excellent RSPB sites nearby.
I've never had the funds to feel the draw of wildlife photography, seemingly such costly lenses with every possible enhancement of tech was needed. I would watch the enthusiastic photographers at the reserve wander around with their camp clad telephotos, elements giving comparison to howitzer barrels and accompanied dress more akin to a Bear Grylls show than a peaceful nature walk.
Struck me as a little excessive so I thought, how effective could I be with some old manual lenses, a teleconverter and some older digital cameras...
I share some of the more successful attempts I've had, and wonder if anyone else has similar experiences to share with budget options for this kind of shoot

I've never had the funds to feel the draw of wildlife photography, seemingly such costly lenses with every possible enhancement of tech was needed. I would watch the enthusiastic photographers at the reserve wander around with their camp clad telephotos, elements giving comparison to howitzer barrels and accompanied dress more akin to a Bear Grylls show than a peaceful nature walk.
Struck me as a little excessive so I thought, how effective could I be with some old manual lenses, a teleconverter and some older digital cameras...
I share some of the more successful attempts I've had, and wonder if anyone else has similar experiences to share with budget options for this kind of shoot