Rain Over Gwithian

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I've had an interesting few days messing around with colour management. It may sound silly now, but I thought that because I calibrate the monitor with a Huey Pro that I also had to work in the Huey colour space. When I found out that had dropped off some time in June, I believed everything done since then was wrong. We've had profiles on and off and my images have been all over the place. Even now, there seems to be a slight difference in how I remember the colour, but I've decided to leave everything as it was and opt for the Adobe RGB (1998) from now on.

The colour in this photograph is very subtle and I haven't dared look at it until things had settled down. Having taken the seascape a short while earlier, it started to rain and I made my way back up the steps. Making my way along the cliff edge I realised this should have been sunset over St Ives. Instead, the camera, tripod and I were dripping wet and I spent the next half an hour drying my equipment in the car. It's a wonder I didn't come down with something worse on top of the cold... :)
