Raw and Jpeg comparison - X-E1

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Here is the RAW file which I processed a little in the bundled raw file converter from Silkypix, using only the "Instant Film" filter and no further pp:

Guitar1fromraw by RobMacKillop, on Flickr​

And the jpeg of the same image. Note the raw file ignores the in-camera square format I chose. This is the Velvia film simulation with no pp:

Guitar 3 by RobMacKillop, on Flickr​

I loved the Velvia jpeg when I saw it, but the Instant Film filter looks great, I think.

The Silkypix raw converter is possibly the most confusing software I've ever seen, but apparently powerful, and maybe worth getting to know better.
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If you have an iPad, there is a free guide to the X-Pro1 with an excellent section on Silkypix. It works, but no one praises its interface or workflow. You do have an excellent RAW converter built into the camera, which allows you to apply all the JPEG settings AFTER the exposure. Now, there are a number of other software RAW conversion programs that work well.
Thanks, Beth. I once tried Lightroom, but I just couldn't click with it, so to speak. Maybe I'll try again now I'm on a Mac format.
i use lightroom 4.4. the output quality of silkypix wasn't as bad as everyone made out it was, but like you say, it's got a crap interface. i like the velvia too, but the instant film is my pick.

My finding too. SP output was very useable for me, but the interface made me sob.

I'm happy overall with LR 4.4.

Rob, if you have an iPad there is a Kelby app, Crash Course for LR4. It's a bunch of short videos that help make sense of LR, and will get you up to speed quickly. Highly recommended.