Really Can't Make Up My Mind

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
I want to print this one, but I really can't make my mind up between the two. With the runner or without? When he's there he distracts from the tree. When he's not there, he distracts by being missing! I know he was there!

Make my mind up for me...With or without?

Tree by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Tree Runner by RobMacKillop, on Flickr​
With but perhaps cropped to include just the 1 tree on the left and reduce some of the foregound at the bottom?
without for me, don't see the need for people in pictures :D
Thanks, guys. I'm loath to CTC* with film, as I'm trying to force myself to take more time lining up a shot. So I've decided for the time being at least to not crop film shots. I'm not implying cropping is cheating, rather I just want to slow down my shooting experience, take more in. And if later I feel it could have been better, then I'll think about that the next time. Digital shots, on the other hand...

As for the runner...I'm still unsure! I'll come back to it in a month's time.


*Crop The Crap
Runner aside, those are nice photos :)
I'd go with the version without the runner. He does have a sort of short-term attraction I suppose but, printed and on the wall, I think the overall compositions holds up fine and the detail on the horizon will be the element of depth that draws you in.
The comment about cropping was a joke BTW. Obviously a bad joke as you didn't get it ;). Looking at them again and being serious this time I think the the compo is strong enough that the image without the runner is the one to go for.
Nice shots.
Perhaps it depends a little on what each one makes you feel.

I would consider going without the tree on the left; I find the straight line of what appears to be a pole behind the tree way more distracting than the runner. To me the runner adds some sense of scale, and increases the sense of isolation, while also piquing curiosity.

But then even my parents think I am odd.

Really though, nice captures.
For me i'd say without, I'm picturing the image blown up large in a gallery, the runner (from far away enough - and from a strangers point of view) may look like a blip or printing error? If he was closer, and thus larger and more defined against his/her background, I'd say to keep him there.

They are great photos though, I really like them either way, I don't know if a nature shot should just contain nature, I feel the picture is a true timeless piece without the runner. :)
My 2p there lol
I like with - just to be contrary :D