Critique Welcomed Reflection On America

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent

X-T1 and 10-24mm Lens

A 30 foot long, 7 foot tall, 1,200 pound sculpture.

Artist Paul Weber, a retired veterinarian, donated the artwork to the City of Vista through the Public Arts Commission. The stainless steel letters, weighing about 100 to 250 pounds each spell out the word “America”. Etched in each letter are two sayings from famous Americans, including Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Jr., and John F. Kennedy.
You've processed this just right in my opinion, Chris, with twilight drawing in while the letters seem to reflect the last rays of the sun. Nice shot!
You've processed this just right in my opinion, Chris, with twilight drawing in while the letters seem to reflect the last rays of the sun. Nice shot!
Thanks Brian - spot on description :)

Very sticking Chris and an interesting (and different) way to present it).
Thanks Pete - been on my shooting list for a year or so, so I'm glad I finally drove over there and took the damn shot!

As said and well summed up, striking is apt Chris.
Thanks Julian

I little wacky PP but it really works here on this one. Did a quote from GWB appear on one of the letters?
Thanks Paul - very wacky for me.

Not sure GWB qualifies for being immortalized in chrome!!

Nicely done. Looks very Nik "Midnight".
Thanks Dave - not Midnight, but about 3-4 filters stacked and then manipulated to get to the finished article